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This cycle route follows line 2 of the Paris metro on the surface, which crosses the north of the capital. The vast majority of the route is on a cycle path separated from car traffic lanes.

1/ The route begins on the large Place de la Nation where you take Avenue Philippe-Auguste towards the famous Père Lachaise Cemetery where many personalities such as Jean de La Fontaine, Chopin, Molière, Edith Piaf, Oscar are buried. Wilde or even Jim Morrison.

2/ Continuing along Boulevard de Ménilmontant, you cross the cosmopolitan districts of Ménilmontant and Belleville . Always straight on the boulevard de la Villette, you continue to follow the metro which comes out of the underground place du Colonel Fabien, and becomes aerial at the height of the large intersection of Jaurès. Here you intersect the Canal Saint-Martin .

3/ Boulevard de la Villette continues in the Chapelle district, a district renowned for its Indian restaurants. Take Rue Pajol then continue to Halle Pajol, this superbly renovated former industrial building is the ideal place to take a break. It houses a coffee shop and a bar-restaurant.

4/ Return to boulevard de la Chapelle via rue Marx Dormoy and continue to follow the aerial metro. Here is the district of Barbès, boosted and colorful, it is one of the beating hearts of the capital. At the big crossroads between the boulevards de la Chapelle, Barbès, de Rochechouart and Magenta, on the sidewalk opposite the Brasserie Barbès , admire the original architecture of this mythical cinema: Le Louxor .

5/ Continue on the boulevard de Rochechouart and take a look on your right, at any time, at the end of an alley, the basilica of the Sacred Heart can appear. The rue de Steinkerque goes directly there but be careful it climbs!

6/ Here you are in one of Parisians' favorite nightlife and festive districts: Pigalle . To the right on boulevard de Rochechouart, some of the city's most emblematic concert halls: the Elysée Montmartre, the Trianon, the Boule Noire, the Cigale, the Divan du Monde... and place Blanche, the unmissable cabaret of theMoulin Rouge , the best known in the capital.

7/ You are only a few pedal strokes away from Place de Clichy . But before arriving, the rue Caulaincourt on the right takes you to the Cimetière de Montmartre if you wish.

This 7 km route can continue to Place Charles de Gaulle where the Arc de Triomphe sits, passing through Parc Monceau and Place des Ternes. To do this, simply continue straight along Boulevard des Batignolles, Boulevard de Courcelles and Avenue de Wagram for another 3 km.

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