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Literary meeting


On Tuesday February 27, join us for our next Literary Meeting with Sophie Galabru, around her latest work “Being a family”.

The family is by essence under tension because identity and difference, protection and freedom, transmission and separation intersect in it. 

How to deal with departures and arrivals? How to transmit and receive? What is the value of blood ties? 

This essay addresses all the themes that run through, one day or another, each member of the same family. It is a question of distribution of tasks and goods, of hierarchical relationships, protection and violence, new ways of doing family as well as the persistence of traditional patterns. 

By mixing intimate memories, pop culture, classics of philosophy and recent sociological studies, Sophie Galabru allows everyone to understand their family ties and live them better. 

Meeting of 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. followed by a signing session and of a glass of Champagne.

25€ per person, each Member can come accompanied by a( e) guest.

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